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Checklist for Dog Bowls - What Kind of Food Bowl is Best for Dogs

The Right Size

The appropriate bowl size can be determined based on the usual food ration: The bowl should always be slightly larger than the amount of food and can also be even larger. This will prevent the dog from carrying the food over the edge while eating.


The size of the bowl can also be determined by the breed or physique of the dog. Here it depends on the instep height, the shoulder height of the dog. 


The water bowl should usually be the same size as the food bowl.


Correct Height

Most dogs have no trouble eating from a bowl placed on the floor. However, height adjustment may be appropriate if the dog's mobility is limited due to illness.

Material and Other Features

Plastic bowls are practical and inexpensive, but they are also very light, which is why they can slip when the dog eats. Therefore, it is better not to use plastic bowls. Stainless steel bowls are certainly a better choice. 


Stainless steel bowls are particularly hygienic and easy to clean. 

There are special bowl shapes for special needs: A rubber ring prevents slipping on the floor and can be removed for cleaning.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Choose a Bowl for my Dog?

When selecting the ideal dog dish, the size of the dog, the shape of his mouth, the length of his ears, and his disposition are the most crucial factors to consider. You may discover a broad variety of dog bowls in every store that sells dog accessories. Everyone can discover a pet-friendly item.

Are Dogs Afraid of Metal Bowls?

The loud noises these metal bowls create as they move may have terrified and shocked your dog. Additionally, some dogs dislike it when their bowls fall to the ground. Additionally, if your dog has tags or a collar, they will knock the bowl over.

Why Does my Dog not Like a Metal Water Bowl?

Water bowls made of metal should be avoided because your dog can be afraid of the loudness. If at all possible, use a glass water bowl. Throw out more bowls: Give your dog the option to drink from many water dishes that are put in various locations.

Why you Shouldn´t have Plastic Dog Bowls

Over time, plastic can deteriorate. Separate studies revealed that ceramic and plastic pet food and water bowls were more likely to have salmonella, E. coli, and other dangerous bacteria than stainless steel bowls, which might infect both people and animals.

Have you already had experience with different dog bowls? Then write us your experiences in the comments.

Best Dog Bowls for Small Dogs

Best Dog Bowls for Large dogs

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