
Do Dogs Need Blankets - 7 Reasons why you Should Give your Dog a Blanket

Because they keep us warm and provide us a sense of security, blankets are something that people love to cuddle up in. Do dogs need blankets, though? The answer to this intriguing topic is yes, and pet owners should educate themselves on the subject.


Learn more about dog blankets in this article, including what they are, whether your pet needs one, and how they can enhance your pet's quality of life.

7 Reasons why you Should Give your Dog a Blanket

1. Keep Your Dog Warm

A source of warmth and comfort for your dog on a cold winter night can be a blanket rather than tile or hardwood flooring. This is especially true if you don't let your dog sit on your living room furniture or don't let them sleep in the same room as you. It may just feel right to give your animal this option, especially on a cold winter night.

2. A Blanket Can Help your Dog Keep Calm on a Thunderstorm

Dogs can experience a tremendous deal of fear during summer thunderstorms. Animals may become frightened by the surprisingly loud bangs. It can be a source of stability in the midst of upheaval to have a blanket for them to hide behind.

3. Comfortable Travel

For dogs, traveling is stressful. Many animals develop an instinctive association between the car and the veterinarian, which can make taking your dog anywhere challenging. Any car ride becomes less stressful with a cozy blanket.

4. Comfort in Weird Places

Families travel and have vacations. Animals are frequently boarded by owners to make holidays a little easier. Their "favorite folks" and their house can be permanently remembered through a favorite blanket. This is a challenging and anxiety-inducing situation, and the sense of security that a blanket offers can truly be helpful.

5. Simpler to Clean Than a Bed

Cleaning blankets is not particularly complicated. You may simply toss them in your home washing machine and proceed with your life. For many dog beds, the same isn't said. They can be ruined if washed on the incorrect setting.

6. Protect Your Furniture

Couches, chairs, or your bed might benefit from blanket protection from pet hair and muddy paw prints. And unlike most furniture, a blanket is simple to throw into the washing machine.

7. Assisting your Dog to Control Body Temperature

You shouldn't be concerned that your dog will become overheated if you cover him with a blanket. When it's cold outside, dogs will huddle under covers. They can swiftly push the blanket aside if they start to feel warm.


Because of this, a blanket is preferable over a sweater or jacket that the dog can't take off.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i Know my Dog is Cold at Night

Indications your Dog is too Cold

  1. Shaking or shivering.
  2. Lifts paw off the ground.
  3. Hunched posture with a tucked tail.
  4. Seeks places for shelter.Seeks places for shelter.
  5. Reluctance to keep walking or tries to turn around.
  6. Whining or barking.
  7. Change in behaviour, like seeming anxious or uncomfortable


Does my Dog Need a Blanket Indoors

Blankets are advantageous for all pets. Dogs who are young, old, or ill require extra comfort. Small dogs, dogs with short hair, and dogs with a tendency to have colder blood need the added warmth. Dogs enjoy the luxury of their own blanket, and blankets are excellent alternatives to dog beds.

Should Dogs be Covered when Sleeping

It turns out that your dog's charming fondness for sleeping inside of blankets or under them is a natural tendency that most dogs share with moles and groundhogs. It results from the fact that their ancestors spent their entire lives in dens, the protected homes of mammals.

Do Dogs Get Cold Without a Blanket

Even if dogs are kept indoors, they can still experience nighttime cold. Give your dog a warm blanket to cuddle up with in bed if you suspect he gets cold at night. Most dogs don't experience nighttime cold or, if they do, they will look for a warmer location.

Do Dogs Need Blankets in Winter

They most likely do, and vets encourage pet owners to provide their animals extra warmth by using blankets, heating, or clothing. Regardless of coat thickness, smaller dogs will particularly struggle to stay warm.

Do Dogs Need Blankets in Summer

Yes, it's crucial to keep your pet cool in the summer with premium summer blankets, but waterproof dog blankets can also save your life.

Do Dogs Need Blankets in Crate

Don't use blankets, towels, or sheets as bedding for your puppy's crate. He might chew on these objects, which could be messy and result in a potentially fatal internal obstruction that would require an urgent trip to the veterinarian.


Dogs enjoy the luxury of their own blanket, and blankets are excellent alternatives to dog beds. Additionally, they can help keep furniture clean and relax pets during loud noises, car rides, and unusual environments.


Additionally, providing your dog a blanket to cuddle with can improve their quality of sleep.


Given all of that, purchasing a blanket is a relatively cheap investment that may keep your dog content and healthy. 


What is your experience with dog blankets? Do dogs need blankets? Share your experience with us in the comments.

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